Weekly Vocabulary

March 31-April 3 Vocab

1. 绝望     despair; to give up hope
2. 御寒     to keep out the cold
3. 不一而足     no isolated case; numerous
4. “发不出自己的声音” vs. “发出自己的声音来”  to not have a voice of one's own vs. to have a voice
5. 淡忘    to fade from memory
6. 枪毙    to execute by shooting
7. 匪夷所思     unimaginable
8. 报复     to retaliate
9. 通常     normal, general, usual
10. 变态心理     abnormal psychology
11. 公事公办     business is business; to not let private affairs in business
12. 崩溃     to collapse; fall apart
13. 逃避     to escape or evade (i.e. 逃避现实 to escape reality)
14. “发现彼此的依赖”   we discovered our dependency on each other
15. (from the Classics 向书) “诗言志,歌咏言”
16. 点亮     to illuminate
17. 延迟     to postpone; delay
18. 重构     to reconstruct
19. 视觉     sense of sight; vision
20. 片面     one-sided
21. 既……又     both...and...
22. 自在     free; unrestrained; comfortable and at ease
23. 共鸣     resonance; sympathetic response
24. 一般而言     generally speaking
25. 垄断     monopolize
26. 精神贵族     intellectual aristocrat
27. 了然     to understand; be clear
28. 反过来看     conversely
29. 幅度     range; scope; extent
30. 各取所需     each takes what he needs
31. 里程碑     milestone
32. 在某种程度上……     At some level....
33. 庸俗     vulgar
34. 更动     to change; alter
35. 反思     to rethink; revisit
36. “你怎么认为?”     What do you think?
37. 触动     (regarding feelings) move something slightly
38. 清晰     distinct; clear
39. 记|混     remember unclearly (informal--might not be correct)
40. 多样性     diversity; variegation
41. 极权     totalitarianism
42. 顽童     naughty boy; urchin
43. 惊险     thriller (refers to adventure)
44. 震撼     shake; shock (i.e. “让我震撼”,“震撼人心”)
45. 豪兴     exuberant spirits
46. 幻想     to fantasize; to dream
47. 龙卷风     tornado (we were talking about The Wizard of Oz)

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