What a weekend! First of all, I purchased my own mode of transportation. It's no match for the high-tech mini car featured in my dreams last night, but I think it will get me around effeciently and effectively (Goodbye, 100+ more calories burned in one trip!). I got it at Walmart for 239 RMB, which is a little less than $50. All the Chinese people I've spoken to about it say it was cheap :)
In that Saturday was the day before Easter, a friend of mine wanted to color some Easter eggs. She had never done it before and asked me for advice. Since I only have one shade of food coloring (red), we decided to melt crayons on hot eggs as well as dye a few. These are the eggs we used crayons on. I'm still waiting to hear how the dyed eggs turned out. We went for sparkly, so we'll see!
Saturday night, the Association had a party for its members. In Chinese it's called 素质拓展, or Character Building. Looking at the title, I would expect a motivational speech. Our night of character building, however, included filling up on party snacks, playing games, and watching some outstanding performances. There are really a lot of talented people in this association.
Everyone got a chance to act a little silly. As for me, I participated in a race to see which team could pass the most rubber bands chopstick to chopstick. Good times!