Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Weekend

What a weekend! First of all, I purchased my own mode of transportation. It's no match for the high-tech mini car featured in my dreams last night, but I think it will get me around effeciently and effectively (Goodbye, 100+ more calories burned in one trip!). I got it at Walmart for 239 RMB, which is a little less than $50. All the Chinese people I've spoken to about it say it was cheap :)



In that Saturday was the day before Easter, a friend of mine wanted to color some Easter eggs. She had never done it before and asked me for advice. Since I only have one shade of food coloring (red), we decided to melt crayons on hot eggs as well as dye a few. These are the eggs we used crayons on. I'm still waiting to hear how the dyed eggs turned out. We went for sparkly, so we'll see!
 Saturday night, the Association had a party for its members. In Chinese it's called 素质拓展, or Character Building. Looking at the title, I would expect a motivational speech. Our night of character building, however, included filling up on party snacks, playing games, and watching some outstanding performances. There are really a lot of talented people in this association.
 Everyone got a chance to act a little silly. As for me, I participated in a race to see which team could pass the most rubber bands chopstick to chopstick. Good times!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bus it! Bus it Real Good!

I want you to take a good look at the inside of this bus and tell me what you see. 
I see a sink. A sink I see, and windows dressed in pink.

What's that, you say? A roll of paper. But, says I, where do you use it? Mayhaps behind the poster under the clock?

In the summer, after you've just ran, please sit under one of the miniature fans.
But seriously, the woman who drives this bus must be quite proud of herself, for she greets every rider with a heartfelt "Ni hao" and a provides a very cheery environment. Not a bad for the commute home, says I.

Monday, March 18, 2013



Friday, March 15, 2013

Meeting with the Supervisor

Earlier in the week I got a call from my college's office telling me my supervisor (also the department director) is looking for me. Whoops! I had forgotten to give them my new phone number. So I called Mr. Wang and he told me to come to class on Thursday afternoon at two.

Today I went to this first meeting of his "team." There were a handful of PhD candidates and a few Master's students as well. He asked us to give an outline of what we plan on researching for our thesis. I hadn't really understood this is what we'd be doing, so I kind of haphazardly put something together. By the time I got to explain, my mouth just fumbled through it all. It's amazing I got any clear-cut idea out. But he seemed to be okay with the direction I plan on taking. The thing is that I don't know if it's because it's actually a good idea or if it's just because he doesn't expect much from me. 

Not to give too much away, I plan on working along the lines of Magical Realism as a tool for collective memory with a focus on literature in the Northeast Asia region. Oops, I hope I haven't said too much! Anyway, this semester we'll have this "class" twice a month. It's time to get working on the thesis!

Thursday, March 14, 2013





Monday, March 11, 2013

Some More S'mores, Please

Today I made an American classic: s'mores. I've been craving a good camp out for a while, so I think this was a result of that. I got the chocolate--the cheap Chinese kind. I got the crackers--no graham crackers, but round breakfast biscuits instead. Lastly, I got the peach flavored marshmallows. Yep, peach flavored, because there are no marshmallows as you know them here unless they're imported. When it came time to make my treats, I opted for the lazy way of doing it and stuck it all in the microwave. After the chocolate melted and the marshmallows swelled up, I ate the mash-up with my bright green chopsticks, true "Lehyla Fusion" style.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

First Spring Run

After the first International Student's Association had its first meeting today, I went outside for a walk, intending to end up in the cafeteria for dinner. My walk took me past the track and field. Last week's weather had me looking at it for days, wondering if it was still too icy to run. I decided to go check it out. 

I should begin by saying that I've been running indoors on a treadmill for the last six months or so. That's why at first I just thought I'd walk a couple of laps and get on my way. By my third lap, however, I just wanted to jog, winter gear and all. After that lap, I couldn't get enough, so I shed the coat and my purse on a bench and kept going. I thought I'd just go two kilometers, but even after that, my body wanted more. I began to sprint. I sped right past the drifts of snow, piled as tall as I am on the edges of the field. I jumped over the few icy patches. My hot breath hung in the air, and I could feel its moisture against my face a split second later as I ran through the vapor cloud. Under the stars I finished my exercise at ten laps.

Just think what spring will bring! 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

History Made at NENU Today

They looked for me for a week, they told me. When they finally found me, I almost wasn't able to attend their meeting, but everything worked out. They asked me to prepare a speech, preferably in Chinese.

What's with all the formality?

Today was Northeast Normal University's International Students Association's election day. It happens every spring, but the historic part is the fact that the foreigners were even involved at all. First off, a group of representatives from the different continents was chosen. Then three of those people, one of them being me, were chosen to act as the president 部长 and the co-vice presidents 副部长 (that's my job). Last year there were plenty of foreigners included in the association's activities, but this is the first year that foreigners have been inducted into the association. The true news, however, is that we were also asked to attend the meeting where the members vote for its officers, and then, WE ALSO GOT TO VOTE! If all caps didn't do it, I don't know how else to show that this is BIG news. 

It's just an election. They happen all the time, all over the world.

Yes, that's true! Yet, just as there are cultural and social differences, so it goes with voting. China being as it is, the votes come from within. This past fall, when Xi Jinping was chosen to be China's new president, it happened behind closed doors, although for days CCTV broadcast each new leader's resume and experience on television.

Our election went pretty much the same way. Our sponsors and his team sat behind a large pile of the candidates' resumes. One by one, they went up to the front, dressed in business suits, and delivered speeches accompanied by Power Point presentations. It lasted all morning. Some people used clever words or catchy design to capture the audience, and, hopefully, swing a vote. I quite enjoyed those few who employed Mao-era shouting techniques and one guy's resorting to a comedian's infamous style. A couple of candidates tried to play things cool, but you could tell most were really taking this seriously. In fact, those least prepared were the ill-informed foreigners (a common occurrence). 

The meeting then turned a corner. Half election, half audition for American Idol, our candidates began to show off their talents. There was singing, dancing, and one girl presented some of her drawings. Rather than being surprised at the demand to see their talents, they actually seemed to expect it! In all, I thoroughly enjoyed the "show," but most of all, I am really looking forward to being more involved. There are a lot of things I'd like to see happen for the foreign students at NENU.